Tiny snow mountains
Mirror shape of distant peaks –
Reflecting blue sky.
Tiny snow mountains
Mirror shape of distant peaks –
Reflecting blue sky.
Late afternoon sun
Branches catch the angled light-
Shadows cut the snow.
Colorful canyons
Topped by snow of passing storm-
White as winter clouds.
Clinging to steep cliff
Icicles in frozen stream
Water paused by cold.
In desert silence
Jagged peaks tilt sharply down
To valley below.
Caught in sunset glow
Single pebble washed on shore-
Pacific relic.
Night creeps from valleys
Mountains cradle sunset sky-
Rock the clouds to sleep.
Slanted shadows fall-
Sun casts long tendrils of light
Onto wind carved stone.
High on the mountain
Branches wrapped in ice cocoon-
Glitter in sunshine.
Folds of the mountains
Catch the drifting sifted snow-
Fill with white silence.