Black frozen waters
Rush by white snow covered rocks –
Ice between two worlds.
Rainbow in a cloud –
Floating far in distant sky
Bright colors of earth.
A cold golden sun
Dances across icy creek-
Tree shadows ripple.
Lonesome mountain lake
Catches clouds from sky above-
Fills deep blue waters.
Forest waterfall –
Spraying from mossy boulders
Into stream below.
Incandescent sky-
Bright colors bloom through treetops
Long after sun sets.
Trees cloaked all in white
Web of branches catches snow-
Tumbling from gray sky.
Hill painted with white –
Lone tree raises bare branches
Against fading light.
Trees grasp at blue sky
Draped in bright light and dark shade-
A circle of lines.
Between earth and sky
Clouds drift in lazy cluster –
Billowed herd of sheep.