Dark storm clouds threaten
Wind tears at green newborn leaves
Tranquil trees stand tall.
Dark storm clouds threaten
Wind tears at green newborn leaves
Tranquil trees stand tall.
Delicate puzzle
Branches ever reaching out
Sky fills up with leaves.
Dropping down steep slope
Liquid silver waterfall
Breaking into strands.
Azalea flowers
Colors parade up hillside
Vivid glow of blooms.
Ten thousand flowers
Ripple in soft April breeze
Bright sea of yellow.
Clouds draw day’s curtain
Young leaves tracing orange sky
Conjuring shy sun.
Among woodland trees
Sun dances on gentle waves
Sky floats on water.
Spring starts in valleys
Slowly climbs up bare ridges
Winter clings to peaks.
New leaves opening
Floating above bare branches
Rolling hills glow green.