Flying far above
Like giant puzzle pieces
Land and water one.
Flying far above
Like giant puzzle pieces
Land and water one.
Just before sunrise
Colors spill across pale sky
Palm fronds dance at dawn.
Blue and green divide
World changing with each moment
Clouds sail on water.
Early morning glow
Traced on trunks of cypress trees
Pink light pools below.
Color drains from sky
Gray clouds slowly turn to black
Hills erased by night.
River carves a path
Through labyrinth of dense trees
Smoothing ancient rocks
Roots in salty sea
Leaves in ocean of blue sky
Mangroves in two worlds.
As night turns to day
Glowing sun burns clouds away
Heat rises with sun.
Vivid trees crowd banks
Spill reflections into stream
Land and water blur.
Forest floats in fog
Trees drift in and out of view
Clouds lightly graze earth.