Incandescent sky-
Bright colors bloom through treetops
Long after sun sets.
Incandescent sky-
Bright colors bloom through treetops
Long after sun sets.
Trees cloaked all in white
Web of branches catches snow-
Tumbling from gray sky.
Hill painted with white –
Lone tree raises bare branches
Against fading light.
Trees grasp at blue sky
Draped in bright light and dark shade-
A circle of lines.
Between earth and sky
Clouds drift in lazy cluster –
Billowed herd of sheep.
Tiny snow mountains
Mirror shape of distant peaks –
Reflecting blue sky.
Late afternoon sun
Branches catch the angled light-
Shadows cut the snow.
Colorful canyons
Topped by snow of passing storm-
White as winter clouds.
Clinging to steep cliff
Icicles in frozen stream
Water paused by cold.